Friday, 29 January 2010

Another bite out of the Apple.

The much-awaited next generation of must-have gadgetry was announced yesterday. Apple is now taking pre-orders for a tablet device that will (eventually) replace everything in your briefcase - perhaps even the person carrying it. But I don't want to analyze the technology or compare and contrast it to alternative devices - I want to talk about marketing.

With forethought and planning, Apple decided to name the device the iPad. Undoubtedly they will roll out a larger one and a smaller one... obviously the MaxiPad and the MiniPad. Of course the case it comes in will have little fold-out wings and the no-strings-attached service agreement will be standard. As we've come to expect from Apple it will be driven by a leak-proof security system. I'm sure the professional comedians on late night TV (whoever is left?), will come up with hundreds of more ways to joke about this latest addition to our technical hygene.

The point is, the Apple marketing gurus chose this name intentionally! They KNEW that the name would prompt a bit-stream of (refreshingly juvenile) humor related to the name. They knew it would be the focus of late night comedy routines, pundits, and amateur bloggers. They consciously decided that this added channel of chatter would feed into product curiosity and recognition - the old "it doesn't matter what they are saying as long as they are talking about us" approach. While it seems like a cheap trick or gimmick, it just might work. IMHO the Apple product line is so robust that the comedy will shortly be followed by cudos and accolades. They know that and are confident enough to risk the downside.

I never buy the first generation of anything (learned that lesson buying the first year model of the Ford Aerostar minivan), so I'll wait to invest until the price stabalizes and they add a camera for iChat. Just for the record, I'll still read books on my Kindle - I just like the unlit display. That being said, I'll patiently continue chuckling to myself while the comedy dies down and the techies and early-adopters weigh in. By the way, one undocumented feature of the iPad is that it automatically shuts down when in the presence of a little blue pill!

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

London, it’s time to get with the program!

A group of us were riding the Underground around London today. After “minding the gap” we entered a not-so-crowded train on our way back to Piccadilly. I stood aside and offered an empty seat to a colleague of mine whose fashionable shoes (and a few blocks of cobblestone streets) were making her feet hurt. Before she could move, a London businessman muscled his way between us and plopped down in the offered seat. Uncharacteristically, I simply gave him a quizzical look (well, I thought it was quizzical) and said “pardon me”. As if he had grown up in New York, he gave me one of those “What?” looks as if it was me that was self-centered and rude. Ignoring him for the rest of the trip (much to his liking I’m sure), we were all pushed aside as he again showed his “I need to be first” tendencies exiting that train at our stop.

Work is being done all over this (already) attractive city, I guess, in preparation of hosting the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. They are busily sprucing up and refurbishing many aspects of the city center – I’m sure it will be wonderful. But these preparations are only window dressing, if visiting guests are treated in such an ungentlemanly fashion. I’ve always found Londoners to be kind and well-behaved, so I can only hope that this self-centered bloke is an exception, rather than the rule. If not, preparations in London need to be extended to etiquette classes!